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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How Real Estate Road Kill USA.com approved short sales was born by Richard Butler

Despite having spent the last 22 years in the mortgage business I have never seen a time where such a high percentage of transactions where “negative equity” sales, either short sales or purchases of bank owned real estate. The most successful real estate agents are clearly those who have become experts at short sale negotiating or have contracted with experienced, professional negotiators. Granted, the process is time consuming and sometimes frustrating, but some estimations suggest that these types of transactions represent over half the real estate market in many parts of the country.
I started attending classes on short sale negotiating and inevitably teamed up with an extraordinary negotiator and began providing our service to real estate agents, usually at no cost to them. When properly presented, the lender would agree to pay for our very valuable services. Of course it was a natural that our mortgage business grew as real estate agents were drawn to our ability to get their short sales closed.
Anyone that’s been involved knows of the absolute biggest frustration: you work hard (very hard), for months and finally get an offer accepted by the bank only to find your buyer, for whatever reason, is no longer interested in proceeding. The buyer may have had a number of different offers in on other properties and they came together first, or they may have lost their financing in the time that passed. In many instances the due diligence clock doesn’t start until the offer is accepted by the bank and the buyer can then choose to walk with no consequences.
The most challenging obstacle in today’s marketplace might be time. On the selling side it takes the form of the time spent negotiating with the lender and keeping the buyers engaged, all the while trying to keep the property from getting to the courthouse steps. From the buyer’s side of the market, there is a teeming interest in purchasing these deeply discounted properties but without waiting for 4-6 months to see if an offer will be accepted while other opportunities come and go.
So, here we are. Everyone’s time an effort has been spent and nobody is getting paid! That’s when I had my “Aha!” moment. Let’s take these “accepted offers” and present them as not only the best deals in the market but ready to close immediately. The lender doesn’t care who the buyer is as long as the bottom line remains the same so we just need to provide new buyers.
RealEstateRoadKillUSA.com was born! Real estate agents and buyers are flocking to it like bees to honey (or vultures to carrion). These are the absolute hottest deals in town and all the work has already been done to prepare them for closing. Wouldn’t you have to be crazy to buy any property without looking here first?
After appearing on ABC-TV News and being written about in LoanOfficerMagazine we have had an outpouring of interest from real estate professionals throughout the country that want to put the program in effect in their area. I’m not surprised because honestly, in 22 years, this is the biggest “no brainer” I have ever seen for both mortgage brokers and real estate agents. It has absolutely saved my mortgage business and is providing instant transactions for real estate agents (and mortgages for us).
For information on how you can secure your Road Kill Territory please visit RealEstateRoadkillUSA.com and click on “Join Our Network”. Many regions are still available and there is a very limited charter membership offer for those ready to seize the opportunity.

