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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Refinancing by http://www.emgansbergesq.net

Loan Document Review:
As an experienced Staten Island mortgage financing and mortgage refinancing attorney, Eric Gansberg assists homebuyers throughout the Staten Island and New York City area with their financing and refinancing decisions and legal documentation.
They believe financial decisions with respect to home loans and help them carry out their decision once it is made.
One of the services they provide to you is help with a loan assessment. We will work with you to determine your needs and explore your options. We will also help you evaluate all the various types of loans available, including adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) versus fixed rate mortgages, and taking a second mortgage or home equity loan versus refinancing the whole mortgage.
They will work hard to understand your situation and assist you in determining the most viable and cost-effective manner of achieving your goals. We will review your loan document with you and make sure you understand the terms of the loan and the length of the loan.
For questions regarding your financing options, or for assistance with understanding your loan document or a loan assessment, please call 888-424-9952 or fill out the intake form on the Contact Us page. Spending a little money up front can often save you a lot of money down the road.
Eric M. Gansberg is your #1 source for mortgage refinancing and financing advice in Straten Island, including: Manor Heights, Port Richmond, and Randall Manor. He has a solid background and experience to ensure that your needs are met first. Choose Eric M. Gansberg as your straten island attorney for mortgage refinancing.

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Qualifying Mortgage Note Buyers by Mark Martini

Get A Mortgage Note Buyer That Will Give You A Large Sum Of Cash
One of the most important decisions in selling your mortgage note is choosing the buyer. They have the power to decide how much you will get from the sale. It is for this reason that you should choose one that can give you the best deal. Just exactly how do you spot a good buyer that will give you the best deal? Here are some pointers for you.
Opt for the professional. The risk the buyer has will determine the value of the sale. A professional buyer will be ready for any inflation, interest rate fluctuations, and the like. Furthermore, professional buyers have a certain degree of flexibility when coming up with the sale price that will be more attractive for you.
Be wary of initial payments. Initial assessments and consultations must be free. Most buyers will assess your mortgage and will give you a quotation for free. Asides from the appraisal fee, title policy and if there are incongruent data, no fees must be charged. Once they ask for points and closing fee, you'd better find a new buyer immediately.
Learn more to get more. Note buyers are everywhere and are very easy to find. You can ask about the buyer's credentials before finalizing your sale. Also, it is advisable to get several quotations from different buyers. This way you can compare and contrast figures.
Buyer must review details first. It is imperative that the buyer reviews the payor's credit before giving a quote. Do not fall for the "bait and switch" trick that some buyers do. Once you agree on a particular price and close the deal, the buyer will lower the price later on due to low credit. It is important that the quote is given after the buyer reviews the credit.
Learn the alternatives. Your selling alternatives must be laid out clearly and simply by your Mortgage note buyers. This way you can chose the best alternative. A good example is the partial sale of your note where you sell only a percentage of your note and still get monthly payments. Not many know that this option exists. It is best to have your buyer discuss this in detail.
Attitude matters in the sale. Being comfortable with your buyer is importance. Answering questions adequately is a good start. However, jargons may make things confusing. So opt for one who discusses things in a simple way. Moreover, opt for one whom you can comfortably discuss the sale.
Have a contract. Protect yourself with a contract. Every pertinent detail about it must be clearly stated - price, date of purchase, contingencies, etc. Likewise, take the time to read it and understand it. Most importantly, make sure you agree to the contract before signing it.
The value of money changes. By selling your mortgage, you allow a certain degree of protection for your investment. You can get an amount and invest it right away. You can take advantage of financial circumstances before inflation eats out the value of your money.

วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Bad Credit Mortgage by Wredan Sudtin - is freelance author who writes on a variety of topics

Is it possible to get a loan even with a bad credit mortgage? In today's mortgage and loan trends, a bad credit mortgage is absolutely possible.
In the past, applying for a loan involves a thorough check up on your credit history and income background. If your history is less than perfect or if your income is not that high or both, then your application for a loan is instantly rejected. This practice limits the number of people who can apply for a loan.
Today's market has adopted more flexible methods. Bad credit mortgages makes it possible for people with low credit scores to still apply for a loan and get approved. When applying for a bad credit mortgage loan, no pre-qualification process is involved. Lenders who offer bad credit mortgages among their list of loan programs give their customers a chance to redeem themselves. With a bad credit mortgage, your credit history is nothing more than history and you still get your money's worth.
There are several lenders who offer bad credit mortgages. When you choose one, make sure that you've learned everything that you need to know about bad credit mortgages. More often than not, bad credit mortgages sound too good to be true. With bad credit mortgages, It's best if you keep an eye on the catch.
Bad Credit Mortgages for Higher Interest Rates
Bad credit mortgages are usually characterized by high interest rates. Lenders charge borrowers higher interest rates for their bad credit mortgages as compensation for the risk they take. Like it or not, borrowers who have bad credit records are loan risks and are viewed as such by lending companies. In exchange for letting these types of customers get bad credit mortgages, higher interest rates are charged. This helps protect the lender should something happen and he had to foreclose on bad credit mortgaged property.
Discount Points in Bad Credit Mortgages
Discount points in bad credit mortgages are common. A discount point is comprised of a percentage of the total purchase price. Bad credit mortgage borrowers are charged higher discount points, usually four to five points. Borrowers with credit may not pay for these points or they do but only for a very low percentage. With bad credit mortgages however, points may go as high as ten, although going this high is not a common practice and against federal law. It all boils down to insurance for the lending company. Lending companies want to make sure that they're getting their money back from their customers' bad credit mortgages.
Larger Down Payments for Bad Credit Mortgages
The amount of down payment required for borrowers on bad credit mortgages is larger compared to other loan types. In exchange for ignoring the costumer's credit history, lenders charge larger down payments from the total purchase price. Borrowers may not be able to afford the upfront price of bad credit mortgages. If in any case, you can afford the down payment required, a bad credit mortgage might even prove a good thing for you. Since the down payment you made takes a considerable portion of your purchase price, this means that you pay lower monthly rates on your bad credit mortgage.
For more information check out http://wredansudtin.wordpress.com/ or http://wredansudtin.livejournal.com/ AND
Look for great deals at http://home-loan-mortgage-refinance.info

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How Real Estate Road Kill USA.com approved short sales was born by Richard Butler

Despite having spent the last 22 years in the mortgage business I have never seen a time where such a high percentage of transactions where “negative equity” sales, either short sales or purchases of bank owned real estate. The most successful real estate agents are clearly those who have become experts at short sale negotiating or have contracted with experienced, professional negotiators. Granted, the process is time consuming and sometimes frustrating, but some estimations suggest that these types of transactions represent over half the real estate market in many parts of the country.
I started attending classes on short sale negotiating and inevitably teamed up with an extraordinary negotiator and began providing our service to real estate agents, usually at no cost to them. When properly presented, the lender would agree to pay for our very valuable services. Of course it was a natural that our mortgage business grew as real estate agents were drawn to our ability to get their short sales closed.
Anyone that’s been involved knows of the absolute biggest frustration: you work hard (very hard), for months and finally get an offer accepted by the bank only to find your buyer, for whatever reason, is no longer interested in proceeding. The buyer may have had a number of different offers in on other properties and they came together first, or they may have lost their financing in the time that passed. In many instances the due diligence clock doesn’t start until the offer is accepted by the bank and the buyer can then choose to walk with no consequences.
The most challenging obstacle in today’s marketplace might be time. On the selling side it takes the form of the time spent negotiating with the lender and keeping the buyers engaged, all the while trying to keep the property from getting to the courthouse steps. From the buyer’s side of the market, there is a teeming interest in purchasing these deeply discounted properties but without waiting for 4-6 months to see if an offer will be accepted while other opportunities come and go.
So, here we are. Everyone’s time an effort has been spent and nobody is getting paid! That’s when I had my “Aha!” moment. Let’s take these “accepted offers” and present them as not only the best deals in the market but ready to close immediately. The lender doesn’t care who the buyer is as long as the bottom line remains the same so we just need to provide new buyers.
RealEstateRoadKillUSA.com was born! Real estate agents and buyers are flocking to it like bees to honey (or vultures to carrion). These are the absolute hottest deals in town and all the work has already been done to prepare them for closing. Wouldn’t you have to be crazy to buy any property without looking here first?
After appearing on ABC-TV News and being written about in LoanOfficerMagazine we have had an outpouring of interest from real estate professionals throughout the country that want to put the program in effect in their area. I’m not surprised because honestly, in 22 years, this is the biggest “no brainer” I have ever seen for both mortgage brokers and real estate agents. It has absolutely saved my mortgage business and is providing instant transactions for real estate agents (and mortgages for us).
For information on how you can secure your Road Kill Territory please visit RealEstateRoadkillUSA.com and click on “Join Our Network”. Many regions are still available and there is a very limited charter membership offer for those ready to seize the opportunity.

Home Loan Modification - What You Need To Know by Angel Aramboles

Let's face it. Today's economy is affecting millions of Americans. Millions of Americans are having trouble keeping up with their home loan payments and a large percentage of those homeowners are facing foreclosures. In 2008 there were over 3 million foreclosure filings, according to RealtyTrac. Many homeowners are looking for ways to save their home. One way to do that is to get a loan modification. However, before contacting your lender to avoid foreclosure there should consider all possibilities.
First, exactly what is a loan modification? A loan modification is the process of changing the terms of a borrowers mortgage. Generally, loan modifications are done to help homeonwers that are struggling to make monthly payments on their mortgage.
Why are lenders willing to change the terms of your mortgage to help you keep up with monthly payments? The lender will modify the loan because it makes more sense than bankruptcy to the bank. They'd rather keep you in your home while making less monthly payments than having to go through the foreclosure process and not receive any monthly payments. However you need to prove to the bank that you cannot afford your current payment but could afford a lower monthly payment if the loan is modified.
People that have tried to do this themselves have typically fallen considerably short where they could have been had they been represented by legal counsel. Keep in mind that anyone can file for a to have the terms of their loans changed. However, you may be better off with leverage using a reputable loan modification firm. Be on the lookout for companies that that charge high fees. In many states this is illegal. Only a licensed attorney can defend you and take on your file to represent you.
If you think you may be facing foreclosure please visit http://www.legalloanmodification.info to have a loan modification representative contact you.

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Positive Effects of Flipping Houses by Samantha Dawson

Flipping houses has had a negative connotation since the real estate bubble a few years ago. Some experts blamed rehabbing houses for the bubble and unclear media reports also did not help. While many were reporting about mortgage fraud, a lot of viewers saw it as if flipping houses was illegal.
Years later and now that the country is in a recession, real estate investing is again picking up. Some still doubt whether rehabbing houses - which by the way is completely legal - is indeed legit. Authority web sites such as RehabList.com say there's nothing wrong with rehabbing houses. Yet will doubt RehabList and other sources, saying this form of investing brings only negative effects.

Among their arguments is that it is leading to an increase in the number of homes fixed by inexperienced rehabbers. The rise in the number of renovated houses is also likely result in an increase in the value of property and eventually in the cost of living in that area, they say.

From another perspective though, flipping houses can actually result in a chain reaction of positive effects for the community. First of all, it is true that an increase in the number of remodeled or renovated houses will raise the value of real estate property in a neighborhood. It could also lead to a higher cost of living. But that increase in expenses will be compensated by more funds for the local government and subsequently more projects for residents. How is this possible? Simple. Flipped or rehabbed houses will be get higher tax assessments and this will lead to more revenue for the local government from property taxes.

Based on what the police call the "broken window theory," the more houses flipped by rehabbers, the lower the crime rate will be in that area. Under the theory, a piece of broken widow in an abandoned property entices vandals to break more windows. Before residents know it, vandals have already broken into the house and started using it for illicit activities like selling prohibited drugs or prostitution. If that house with a "broken window" is rehabbed, then it is saved from being a crime den.

Flipping houses can also spur economic activity in a neighborhood where many houses are rehabbed. Since crime is lessened, businessmen will be encouraged to open shops in a community. The pleasant appearance of houses - and the neighborhood in general - will make the area appear conducive to business opportunities.

In fact, the mere act of flipping houses already helps in an area's livelihood problems. When you rehab a fixer upper, you seek the services of a painter, repairman, plumber, and other workers - giving locals additional sources of income.

Rehabbing houses will always be negative for non-believers. But for those who know the positive effects of this business - not only on their pockets but to the community as well - it will always be business as usual. If you still need more convincing, visit RehabList.com. The web site has informative pieces on flipping houses and real estate investing in general. It serves as the meeting place for everyone involved in real estate investing. From buyers of fixer uppers, to sellers, to rehabbers, to wholesalers, to money lenders, you'll find get something from RehabList. To avail of the free services RehabList offers, simply create a log-in account.

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Deals: How to Decide Between Fixed-Rate and Tracker Mortgages by David P Walker

One of the biggest decisions to make when taking on a mortgage is whether to go for a fixed-rate mortgage or a tracker mortgage. You need to consider your own personal circumstances, and all the potential outcomes of being signed up to each kind of mortgage. Different mortgage deals are suited to people in different circumstances.
Fixed-rate mortgages
The main advantage of a fixed-rate mortgage deal is that, usually for a set period, it removes the danger of being subjected to a sudden hike in monthly repayments, should there be an increase in interest rates. With a fixed-rate mortgage, you can budget effectively for the long term.
The main disadvantage of a fixed-rate mortgage is that, while the Bank of England base rate is low, they tend to be significantly more expensive than tracker mortgages linked to that base rate.
Tracker mortgages
The main advantage of a tracker mortgage is, which the Bank of England base rate is low, tracker mortgage deals are a lot cheaper than fixed-rate mortgages.
However, being linked to the base rate makes tracker mortgages a lot more risky, and predicting the future of the base rate is impossible.
If the base rate suddenly increases, you could find yourself with much higher monthly payments, but with the same income as you had before. A steep change in the base rate can add hundreds to the monthly repayments on a tracker mortgage.
Keeping up repayments
One of the main things to consider when signing up for a mortgage deal is whether or not you will be able to keep up the monthly repayments. If you are considering a fixed-rate mortgage, this is a relatively simple calculation to make. However, with a tracker mortgage, you need to consider all possible outcomes and make sure you could keep up the repayments even in the worst-case scenario of very high interest rates.
Whichever type of mortgage deal you choose, you need to have a contingency plan in case of redundancy, pay cuts or other unforeseen circumstances. Some people choose to take out mortgage protection to cover themselves for potential problems.
Bank of England base rate
Nobody can accurately predict future base rate changes. However, if you it can help to consider what the experts are saying about the future of the base rate, and to get independent advice from a mortgage advisor or independent financial advisor (IFA) so that you are basing your decision on as much information as possible.
Mortgage size
The size of your mortgage is a very important factor to consider when deciding which type of mortgage deal to sign up to. The larger your mortgage is, the bigger the risk of taking on a tracker mortgage. Even if the base rate does go up, a smaller mortgage will mean a relatively small change in repayments.
Capped tracker mortgages
Another option to look into is the capped tracker mortgage. This means that although the mortgage repayments track the base rate, they cannot rise above a certain, set level. This mitigates your risk and can be a good compromise.
Droplock tracker mortgages
A droplock tracker is a type is tracker mortgage which is flexible in that you are allowed to switch to a fixed-rate mortgage if you choose to do so. This is another way to compromise, giving you a safe way out if the base rate rises steeply.