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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Positive Effects of Flipping Houses by Samantha Dawson

Flipping houses has had a negative connotation since the real estate bubble a few years ago. Some experts blamed rehabbing houses for the bubble and unclear media reports also did not help. While many were reporting about mortgage fraud, a lot of viewers saw it as if flipping houses was illegal.
Years later and now that the country is in a recession, real estate investing is again picking up. Some still doubt whether rehabbing houses - which by the way is completely legal - is indeed legit. Authority web sites such as RehabList.com say there's nothing wrong with rehabbing houses. Yet will doubt RehabList and other sources, saying this form of investing brings only negative effects.

Among their arguments is that it is leading to an increase in the number of homes fixed by inexperienced rehabbers. The rise in the number of renovated houses is also likely result in an increase in the value of property and eventually in the cost of living in that area, they say.

From another perspective though, flipping houses can actually result in a chain reaction of positive effects for the community. First of all, it is true that an increase in the number of remodeled or renovated houses will raise the value of real estate property in a neighborhood. It could also lead to a higher cost of living. But that increase in expenses will be compensated by more funds for the local government and subsequently more projects for residents. How is this possible? Simple. Flipped or rehabbed houses will be get higher tax assessments and this will lead to more revenue for the local government from property taxes.

Based on what the police call the "broken window theory," the more houses flipped by rehabbers, the lower the crime rate will be in that area. Under the theory, a piece of broken widow in an abandoned property entices vandals to break more windows. Before residents know it, vandals have already broken into the house and started using it for illicit activities like selling prohibited drugs or prostitution. If that house with a "broken window" is rehabbed, then it is saved from being a crime den.

Flipping houses can also spur economic activity in a neighborhood where many houses are rehabbed. Since crime is lessened, businessmen will be encouraged to open shops in a community. The pleasant appearance of houses - and the neighborhood in general - will make the area appear conducive to business opportunities.

In fact, the mere act of flipping houses already helps in an area's livelihood problems. When you rehab a fixer upper, you seek the services of a painter, repairman, plumber, and other workers - giving locals additional sources of income.

Rehabbing houses will always be negative for non-believers. But for those who know the positive effects of this business - not only on their pockets but to the community as well - it will always be business as usual. If you still need more convincing, visit RehabList.com. The web site has informative pieces on flipping houses and real estate investing in general. It serves as the meeting place for everyone involved in real estate investing. From buyers of fixer uppers, to sellers, to rehabbers, to wholesalers, to money lenders, you'll find get something from RehabList. To avail of the free services RehabList offers, simply create a log-in account.

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mortgage Deals: How to Decide Between Fixed-Rate and Tracker Mortgages by David P Walker

One of the biggest decisions to make when taking on a mortgage is whether to go for a fixed-rate mortgage or a tracker mortgage. You need to consider your own personal circumstances, and all the potential outcomes of being signed up to each kind of mortgage. Different mortgage deals are suited to people in different circumstances.
Fixed-rate mortgages
The main advantage of a fixed-rate mortgage deal is that, usually for a set period, it removes the danger of being subjected to a sudden hike in monthly repayments, should there be an increase in interest rates. With a fixed-rate mortgage, you can budget effectively for the long term.
The main disadvantage of a fixed-rate mortgage is that, while the Bank of England base rate is low, they tend to be significantly more expensive than tracker mortgages linked to that base rate.
Tracker mortgages
The main advantage of a tracker mortgage is, which the Bank of England base rate is low, tracker mortgage deals are a lot cheaper than fixed-rate mortgages.
However, being linked to the base rate makes tracker mortgages a lot more risky, and predicting the future of the base rate is impossible.
If the base rate suddenly increases, you could find yourself with much higher monthly payments, but with the same income as you had before. A steep change in the base rate can add hundreds to the monthly repayments on a tracker mortgage.
Keeping up repayments
One of the main things to consider when signing up for a mortgage deal is whether or not you will be able to keep up the monthly repayments. If you are considering a fixed-rate mortgage, this is a relatively simple calculation to make. However, with a tracker mortgage, you need to consider all possible outcomes and make sure you could keep up the repayments even in the worst-case scenario of very high interest rates.
Whichever type of mortgage deal you choose, you need to have a contingency plan in case of redundancy, pay cuts or other unforeseen circumstances. Some people choose to take out mortgage protection to cover themselves for potential problems.
Bank of England base rate
Nobody can accurately predict future base rate changes. However, if you it can help to consider what the experts are saying about the future of the base rate, and to get independent advice from a mortgage advisor or independent financial advisor (IFA) so that you are basing your decision on as much information as possible.
Mortgage size
The size of your mortgage is a very important factor to consider when deciding which type of mortgage deal to sign up to. The larger your mortgage is, the bigger the risk of taking on a tracker mortgage. Even if the base rate does go up, a smaller mortgage will mean a relatively small change in repayments.
Capped tracker mortgages
Another option to look into is the capped tracker mortgage. This means that although the mortgage repayments track the base rate, they cannot rise above a certain, set level. This mitigates your risk and can be a good compromise.
Droplock tracker mortgages
A droplock tracker is a type is tracker mortgage which is flexible in that you are allowed to switch to a fixed-rate mortgage if you choose to do so. This is another way to compromise, giving you a safe way out if the base rate rises steeply.

Mortgages: Top Tips For Switching Mortgage Deals by David P Walker

If your mortgage deal is no longer competitive, it may be time to switch. However, choosing the wrong mortgage could cost you thousands of pounds a year. Here are the most important things to consider when planning to switch mortgages.
Compare mortgages
Your bank may advise you to take on one of their mortgages. Before doing so, make sure you compare all kinds of mortgages and consider taking a mortgage with a different provider - there may well be better mortgage deals elsewhere.
Consider the pros and cons of different types of mortgage
Particularly if you are taking on a long-term mortgage, you need to consider whether interest rates are likely to rise or fall. For low or falling interest rates, you could be better off with a tracker mortgage. If you think rates will rise, it may be better to go with a fixed rate mortgage.
Calculate monthly outgoings
You will need to make monthly payments on your mortgage. Consider what these will be and whether you can really afford them on a long-term basis. Also take into account the possibility of losing your job or of a steep rise in interest rates - either of which could cause your mortgage to become unaffordable. Remember, if you do not keep up your monthly instalments, your mortgage provider will have the right to repossess your home.
Consider additional features
Think about your personal circumstances in relation to other features offered with some mortgages. For example, if you regularly receive bonus payments or windfalls of some kind, it may benefit you to have an overpayment option with your mortgage deal. This will allow you to pay in lump sums on top of your monthly payments, meaning you could potentially pay off your mortgage more quickly.
Talk to your current provider
While you don't need to remain loyal to your current lender, it can be useful to talk through options with them. Some mortgage lenders have special deals available only to current customers which you might be able to take advantage of. Once you have done this, always compare mortgage deals with different lenders before taking the plunge.
Look out for hidden fees
Given that you are remortgaging to save money, it's vital to make sure that other costs like set-up fees will not cancel out your savings. The same applies to exit fees and redemption penalties applied by your current lender. Take all costs into account before switching.
Read the small print
When you switch mortgages you will probably be presented with a mountain of paperwork. It's important to understand all of those terms and conditions before you sign up, so take time to read through and take it all in. If there is anything you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask questions until you do.
Make a note of when your chosen mortgage deal ends
Once you have switched mortgage deals, you need to be aware of when your latest mortgage deal is going to end, and remember to compare mortgages again once this has happened. The cheapest mortgage deals usually last around two to three years, so be prepared!

Colorado A+ BBB Mortgage Loan Modification Program | Denver, Colorado Springs, & Aurora by YourHomestart.com

For A+ BBB Colorado Mortgage Loan Modification Program CLICK HERE
Homeowners in Colorado are finding it more and more difficult to hold on to their houses these days as filed foreclosures set a record in the 2 quarter of 2009, but officials in the state are hoping the worst has already past. YourHomestart.com specializes in those cases of homeowners who need to restructure their current loan terms in order to lower your monthly payment thus keeping you away from foreclosure and most importantly keep you in your home.
The Division of Housing in Colorado reported that almost 5000 foreclosures had been completed during the months of April 2009 - June 2009 and that the homes were returned back to the banks and sold at an auction. The county that was hit the hardest has been Mesa County where filings had risen by 144% from the same period in 2008. Some feel that due to the drop in the housing market in the Grand Junction area due to lower development from the oil and gas industry.
HOMEstart has an honorable A+ BBB rating and one of the few licensed companies allowed to perform loan modifications by the California Department of Real Estate (DRE). HOMEstart is also able to take the time to work through applications that may have more details than others which HOMEstart is proud to be able to have these resources and time to take care of these. The experience and hard work our underwriting and negotiating team has is arguably one of the strongest in California.
HOMEstart is able to handle all the steps in the loan modification process including: Intake Processing, Underwriting, Bank Submission, Negotiations, Approvals and Contract Review. Contact HOMEstart at anytime to discuss your financial hardship, we will listen and maintain the highest level of confidentiality. We have an entire team of experienced loan modification consultants who will help answer any questions you may have, regardless if you pursue a loan modification through HOMEstart. We are here to help; start new, not over.
For more information please visit http://www.yourhomestart.com/

Mortgage Loan Modification Tips by bruce e. nelson

If you are irritated and confused about how to get your loan modification approved from your lender, go through the loan modification tips, which will help you proceed with confidence. Usually when you approach your lender for loan modification help, he will not help you and it is quite possible that he might misguide you too. So it is advisable that you take the help of an expert and know how you can improve the chances of your loan approval. After this you can contact your lender to know about the requirements set by him.
Each lender has different sets of guidelines and requirements that are essential and must be fulfilled in order to get your loan modification approved. If you collect information of the requirements beforehand you can apply for the modification process immediately. So it is important to know the guidelines necessary for the approval of your modification. Some of the lenders also look for the debt ratio of the person who has applied so you can also work to improve that. Your monthly income proof must be there with the intention that it becomes easy for them to calculate the ratio.
You must complete all the paperwork properly and recheck it before submitting. It is sad to mention here that there are lots of eligible homeowners who were denied of the loan modification because they did not fill out the application form properly or failed to produce relevant documents. So modification tips should be taken into account before submitting the application form. The homeowners who are interested to apply for the loan modification must spend some time and learn about what all things are essential to be produced.
If you search for professional help on Internet you will find lots of them and after some research work you can select the one that is authentic and would be really helpful to you. There are various books and guidelines that would help you and you can download them easily and quickly too. In addition to this you can also call the loss mitigation department to know about the whereabouts of the loan qualification. So in any case you need to collect information and helpful guidance before gathering the necessary paperwork to submit along with the application form. It is always good to have complete knowledge of what you ought to do.

Finding the Right Mortgage by David Nalin

When it comes to the housing market many individuals are taking advantage of the record low home prices with the knowledge that prices will rebound. While this is a very wise investment many individuals become intimidated when it comes time to secure a mortgage for their new home. Whether you are a first time home buyer or a seasoned real estate investor, playing the mortgage game can be a stressful part of the house buying process. While securing a mortgage is one of the most stressful parts of the process it is really the most essential, because without a mortgage most individuals would not be able to purchase a home. The first step in any home buying venture is to first do you research. It is important to not only research the many lending options that are available when it comes to securing a mortgage, but to also research your own personal situation. While there are lending institutions that will give most individuals a mortgage, the key is to ensure that you are the best possible candidate for the lowest rate, and this may take some work on your part. The first step in this process is to check your credit, and to fix any errors or inconsistencies that may appear to ensure that you have the highest score possible when you approach your lending institution. While your credit score is one of the most important aspects to securing a mortgage it is not the only aspect that is reviewed by your financial institution. Once you have your credit at the highest possible level it is time to look at your personal finances and determine exactly the how much of a mortgage payment that you can comfortably afford. If you are looking to trade in your rent for a mortgage payment this can be an easy gauge to use. Simply decide on a mortgage, insurance, and real estate tax payment that is less or equal to your monthly rent. This will ensure that you will be able to pay back your mortgage. Once all of your finances and credit is in order then you should consider your down payment. In reality you should have been saving for a down payment for at least a year before you approach your financial institution. While it is possible to secure a mortgage without a down payment it is much more difficult and the rules and restrictions are much harsher than if you have a ten to twenty percent down payment. The mortgage game is really all about planning and ensuring that you get the best rate possible for your specific situation. It is important to remember that your home is the biggest investment that you will ever make and doing your homework has the potential of saving you thousands of dollars over the course of your mortgage. It is also important that you choose a loan that you will be able to comfortably afford for many years into the future, because the average mortgage has duration of at least 15 years. Now that you have all of your information it is time for the fun part, searching for your dream home.

Steps to Securing the Right Mortgage by David Nalin

Everyone wants to have a piece of the American dream and owning a home is the biggest step towards that dream. While the mortgage game can be daunting it is one of the only ways that most individuals can jump into the home buying process. There are very few individuals who are able to purchase a home without a mortgage, and this is why it is important to begin planning for a home many years in advance. The key to getting the best possible rate on a home mortgage is doing your research and being prepared for any surprises along the way. If you want to purchase a home, and ensure that you will be able to secure a mortgage, then the first step is to save your money. A lending institution is more willing to give a person a mortgage that has a ten to twenty percent down payment and a six month to a year emergency fund in savings. This tells your lending institution that you are financially stable enough to pay back your mortgage in a timely manner. While this may seem like an unnecessary step it is a vital one to ensure that you will not be turned away when you start to secure your mortgage. While you are saving for your new home, it is also a time to start to look very closely at your credit score. It is important to remember that this score will be the key to getting the lowest interest rate possible on your mortgage. It is important to check your credit at least once per year and to fix any mistakes that may arise as quickly as possible. When you want to purchase a home you may want to check your credit approximately every three to four months so you can fix any inconsistencies as quickly as possible. When it comes to getting a great interest rate the higher your credit score the lower your rate, so it is important to aim for a score in the mid-700s or higher. This will insure that you will not be turned down for your mortgage and you will be able to secure their advertised interest rates. If you have less than perfect credit then it is important that you take the time that you are saving for your home to repair your credit as much as possible before you approach your lending institution. Once you have your savings and credit at the point they need to be to insure that you are able to obtain a mortgage then it is time to research the different options that are available. The first step to this is to determine the most comfortable payment that you can afford. In your determination you also need to factor in insurance and real estate taxes to ensure that you will be able to comfortably afford your new home. Once you have all of this information then it is time to approach your lending institution. It is important to gain pre-approval for any mortgage before you start the best part of the process and that is the actual hunt for your new home.

วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Los Angeles A+ BBB Mortgage Loan Modification Companies | California by YourHomeStart

For A+ BBB Los Angeles Mortgage Loan Modification Services in California CLICK HERE
President Barack Obama and his administration launched their loan modification program in April 2009, and now it is finally starting to take off. The US Treasure Department is also encouraged by the new loan modification program which will include 3 of the nation's largest banks including JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup as some of the first to sign up for the new President Obama's new loan modification program.
These banks have already began the loan modification process under the program that kicked off earlier this year. HomeStart is one of the few loan modification companies to have the accredited A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and licensed by the California Department of Real Estate (DRE).
Anguished homeowners have enthusiastically been awaiting the mortgage loan modification program's launch since it was first announced by President Obama on February 18, 2009. The loan modification plan will call for the servicer to reduce interest rates low enough so that their monthly obligation is no more than 38% of a borrower's income before taxes, and then the government would be able to put in money to allow the payments to drop down to 31% of their income.
HomeStart's experience working in the loan modification industry since day 1 has provided them with great expertise in working through even the most "difficult applications" and terms. Due to HomeStart's hard work and persistent professionalism they have been able to establish a solid reputation and look forward to serving many more.
For more information please visit www.YourHomestart.com

Michigan A+ BBB Mortgage Loan Modification Companies | Detroit by HomeStart

For A+ BBB Michigan Mortgage Loan Modification Services CLICK HERE
Under the new loan modification program established in 2009 by the Obama administration the Making Home Affordable initiative was brought about to help home owners avoid foreclosures and most importantly be allowed to remain in their homes. The main problem that comes up is that most people do not really know what options they have when it comes to doing a loan modification. The main purpose of the loan modification process is to lower your monthly mortgage payments and HomeStart is able to give you accurate information while being able to also provide you with full service in setting up a home loan modification if the qualifications are met.
Many anguished homeowners have enthusiastically been awaiting the mortgage loan modification program's launch since it was first announced by President Obama on February 18, 2009. The loan modification plan will call for the servicer to reduce interest rates low enough so that their monthly obligation is no more than 38% of a borrower's income before taxes, and then the government would be able to put in money to allow the payments to drop down to 31% of their income.
HomeStart can help provide homeowners who have missed payments and are at the risk of defaulting on their loans with options for a loan modification. The Obama administration has stipulated that the government will give the lender financial incentives to help adjust an existing mortgage while reducing their payments on a month-to-month basis so that homeowners can stay on track with their current loan, and most importantly keep their home.
HomeStart's experience working in the loan modification industry since day 1 has provided them with great expertise in working through even the most "difficult applications" and terms. Due to HomeStart's hard work and professional work ethic they have been able to establish a great status deal with loan modifications and look forward to helping many more homeowners.
For more information please visit www.YourHomestart.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Tips On Buying Homeowners Insurance by Sam Caruso

Tips On Buying Homeowners Insurance
Many new home buyers rush into buying homeowners insurance simply to qualify for their mortgage without understanding the choices involved in insuring a house.
In the event your home is destroyed by a fire or other catastrophe, you will receive the replacement cost from the insurance company, which is enough to rebuild your home to its original state. You need to be insured for at least 80% of the replacement cost. You are not automatically insured for the market value of your house, so don't expect to be able go out and buy a similar one if your house is destroyed. The land value is built into the value of your home, yet it is not included in the replacement cost. You need to carry at least 80% of your home's replacement cost. If you don't, the insurance company will only pay you a percentage of your loss.
For example, if you have $100,000 house and you only insure it for $60,000, that's only three quarters of the $80,000 required. If you have $20,000 in losses from a fire, you will only get $15,000 from your insurance company or three quarters of your loss. However, if you were insured for $80,000 or 80% of the replacement cost, you would get full coverage. Most insurance companies will automatically increase your coverage yearly by the amount required to rebuild the home. Generally, this increase has been about 10%.
You should be insured for temporary replacement housing such as the cost of an apartment or hotel stay while your home is being repaired. This sum should be in the range of 50% of the replacement value of the house.
Your policy should also include liability coverage. This is protection in the event someone is injured on your property. This liability will also cover you if you accidentally injure someone off your property.
Most policies also provide for coverage in the event of theft away from your home. This covers your property if it is stolen from your car or from a hotel room, etc. However, the amount of this coverage is limited in value, so ask your agent how much is appropriate. Generally speaking, high-value items such as jewelry, furs, art , and coin collections are only insured for a minimal sum. You may need to add a rider and specifically list these items and pay an additional premium to be insured.
Select the most coverage that you can afford. Shop around with different carriers. Don't buy a policy from one company just because it's the cheapest around. Some homeowners policies are nothing more than stripped down fire insurance policies. The best policies, called all-risk policies, or broad form coverage, insure you against almost everything. Be advised, however, that no homeowners policy covers floods. Flood insurance must be purchased separately. If you live in a flood zone, your mortgage company will require you to carry flood insurance. Just because you don't live in a flood zone doesn't mean you should not have flood insurance. Every year, many neighborhoods flood, or there has never been flooding before.

Arizona, are you upside down? Explore refinance mortgage loans. by Blair

Arizona has experienced a rapid decline in home value. Many homeowners have desperately sought relief through traditional refinance loans. However, a good percentage of Arizona homeowners are upside down. Does this sound like your situation? Your Arizona refinance may not be as difficult as you think.
Many people have turned to short sells and loan modification programs. A short sell can help you get out without having to foreclose. The problem is that lenders view a short sell the same as foreclosure. This means that you can't finance another home for three years. Be advised that guide lines do change but until then 3 years is the rule.
Loan Modification is not always the answer
While a loan modification may relieve some pressure it's not a permanent solution. Under the Home Affordable Act, banks will modify your mortgage. The Home Affordable guideline requires that you prove a financial hardship to qualify. Let us assume you can prove some sort of hardship. If you still have an income your Bank is authorized to explore modification.
Many people falsely believe that a loan modification will eliminate principle. This is not the case! First, your Bank will offer you a floor interest rate. This will be the first attempt to lower your housing ratio to 31%. If that doesn't work, your Bank will re-amortize your mortgage. At this point most people will qualify. The result is you keep your home and you're still upside down.
There are a small percentage of people who get principle reduction. Depending on your situation a loan modification may be an option. However, you should be aware of other refinance programs before you proceed. The following are three different Arizona refinance mortgage programs that may help you.
FHA Streamline
The Arizona FHA loan can help you refinance if you are upside down. With FHA streamline you can refinance your first mortgage up to 97.5%. However, you can keep an existing second mortgage up to 125% home value. Depending on your situation this Arizona refinance could help you. Another option is for veterans.
Arizona VA Loan
The Arizona VA loan allows veterans to refinance up to 100% of home value. This mortgage won't help veterans who are upside down. It's still worth mentioning though because it allows 100% of home value. In the past VA refinance loans were limited to 95%. Finally, there is the DU refinance plus for Fannie Mae owned mortgage loans.
DU Refinance Plus
The DU Refinance plus allows you to refinance up to 125%. The catch 22 here is that your mortgage must be owned by Fannie Mae. This Arizona refinance mortgage is a 30 year fixed mortgage. It also requires less documentation.
In conclusion, before you sell or modify look into the three options outlined in this article. Remember, if you short sell you can't finance another home for 3 years. If you modify your loan you're still upside down. In the end, you could save yourself a lot of undue grief by exploring all your options.